Environmental areas

An environmental success

Organic matter is still the best agronomic tool to protect crops, why is this? It has a beneficial effect on the environment as it stores carbon in the soil, reduces chemical inputs (N, S ....), sources of greenhouse gases, it improves the soil structure and lowers the amount of fuel consumption. It improves yields, feed quality and therefore optimizes the effectiveness of the animal feed. Thanks to its efficiency, polluting emissions are reduced (CH4, NH3, H2S....).

Working on bacterial balance of soil and farms is a civic act, beneficial for the agricultural economy and its image. It encourages a decrease in the negative impact that the agricultural sector has on the environment, notably that of greenhouse gases. It represents a more respectful eco-management system of natural resources.

This bacterial balance of soil and farms is an efficient response to the Ecoantibio and Ecophyto projects*

*(Projects to reduce the use of antibiotics and pesticides developed by the French Ministry of Agriculture and Agribusiness)
